Maybe i can just haul this stuff to goodwill then they will be gone...........Uhmm...Please don't do that.
We just eradicated for a family who thought they could easily eliminate them with this thinking only to find their own do-it-yourself project was not only ineffective but had made it terribly worse.
Please Please don't do this. Go to any site were bed bug specialists reside they will tell you please don't by some crap product to waste time and effort on products that the bugs will become immune to and will push them to infest worse in deeper places of the home. Don't move anymore furniture to the street corner which will not solve the issue and may give it to someone else.
Don't Use Bed Bug Bombs or any of these silly products. Heat is what the pros use.
Your local pest control company will not be the Man for the job on this one. If you find a bug or are receiving bites in a clusters or in a line Call one of the few companies in the State of Arizona that specialize in bed bug extermination.
Spare your friends and family from the Spread of bed bugs now by having the pros eliminate these things the right way. You will save time and money and will be able to sleep again.