What are the top ten bed bug infested places to avoid? Should I be leery of any certain establishment and their potential bed bug issues? The answer is Yes to both. You should avoid and or be skeptical of certain types of places. The Travel Channel Made a list of the worst places for bed bugs and they are pretty accurate. Here they are in no particular order: Movie Theaters, Plains Trains and Buses, Public Libraries, Retail Stores, Daycares Schools and Colleges, Places of Worship, Laundry Facilities, Business Offices, Hospitals and Nursing Homes, Consignment Thrift shops and Yard Sales. To read the the full article click here. To avoid acquiring bed bugs one must not be naive to their existence and prevalence bed bugs are any were people congregate. Higher traffic areas will be higher risk. Some of these places may not always be outright infested but are more of a drop off and hitch hike zone for bed bugs. Individuals who live in infested homes and spaces visit and some bugs get off and crawl onto a new host or into a bag to be taken home where they will inevitably infest. Avoid resting bags down on floors. In hotels always raise luggage on luggage stands. Inspect the room and mattress thoroughly. Insist on staying at hotels were occurrences have been low and the hotel has a systematic approach to prevent and eradicate bed bugs. One place to check is the bed bug registry online. Launder clothes and inspect luggage after hotel stays. If you have contracted bed bugs you will need the help of professionals. If you want to sleep tight again you will need a thorough and accurate inspection, proper game plan, and execution of bugs in a timely matter with a solid warranty. If you need a complimentary inspection please call us A.S.A.P.
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December 2014